We understand the importance of speaking your brand’s language in both traditional and social media, which is why we tailor our approach to resonate with diverse audiences, topics, and themes. Our client SmartStart operates in the early learning space. Across their social channels, we adjust our narrative to engage everyone in their network – from READ MORE >
Category Archives: SmartStart
Nelson Mandela left a legacy of creating a just and equal society for all. To celebrate, we assisted client SmartStart with design work this Mandela Day, let’s celebrate his life, and the values he stood for, by standing together to improve the lives of children all over South Africa. It is through education that children READ MORE >
The new Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 reading results show that South African children performed the worst of all participating countries, with 81% of Grade 4 learners unable to read for meaning in any language. Click here to listen to a Cape Talk interview with Justine Jowell, Programme Design and Development READ MORE >
The Africa Education Medal 2023 – Africa’s most prestigious education accolade is given to outstanding individuals who have demonstrated impact, leadership, and advocacy in the field of education. Grace Matlhape, CEO of early learning programme SmartStart, is one of two South Africans named as a top 10 finalist for this year’s award. To read more READ MORE >
This year’s Budget Speech outlined a 1.7% increase in funding for the Early Childhood Development sector – well below inflation and one of the lowest growth rates in the basic education budget. In response to this, SmartStart called for the government to increase budget allocations moving forward to ensure the country can realise its vision READ MORE >
Reports of neglect, abuse, and violence against children in South Africa have increased by over 35% since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is according to Child Welfare South Africa. Often, these events occur in places where children should feel safe – such as at home or in a classroom. National early learning social READ MORE >
With about 1.24 million South African children between the ages of 3 and 5 not registered at an adequate Early Development Centre, Early Learning Social Franchise, SmartStart is recruiting, training and licensing women to run their own centre in impoverished communities. To read more about the work that SmartStart is doing for children in South READ MORE >